Free baby stuff
After many of hours of searching for baby coupons, promotions and freebies. I have narrowed it down to the ones that you will actually reap rewards from. At this time it is very helpful to get as many freebies and coupons as possible.
Publix baby club
I joined the Publix baby club and have received at least $100 in coupons for stuff I actually use. Its one of the best baby clubs that I have found so far. This is a list of just some of the coupons and items that I received. The book is great for new parents.
Click here to join Publix baby club
Publix Premium Diapers, HUGGIES® Lotion, Wash or Shampoo, NUK® Pacifiers, Publix Premium Wipes, KOTEX® pads, and Purell° Hand Sanitizer.
A FREE gift for first-time parents: The authoritative guide to child care. If you're a first-time parent, you'll receive the American Academy of Pediatrics' complete guide to raising a child, "Caring for Your Baby and Young Child"—a $20 value. It's full of invaluable medical and child-rearing advice from birth to age five. You'll turn to it time and time again.
Winn Dixie baby club
Winn Dixie also has a great baby club. I received a $10 gift certificate, and coupons for a free box of baby wipes, baby snacks, as well as many diaper coupons. There are also points that can be earned to receive discounts off of your groceries.
Join Winn Dixie baby club here
I was very surprised to find that they had a baby club. I have just joined myself and will keep you posted when I receive my freebies. Go
HERE and join the club.
Johnsons baby club
Johnsons baby club is one of my favorites. I received so many wonderful things from this baby club. Lots of valuable coupons and shown below are just a few of the gifts that they sent to me.
• Free Bath Time Fun Guide
Learn just how important bath time can be. From JOHNSON’S® and ZERO TO THREE®, download your free guide for bath time fun at four different stages in baby's development:
• New Parent Guide to the First Ten Days
Be prepared for the journey of parenthood, right from the very start. As our gift, get your copy of The New Parent Guide to the First Ten Days from JOHNSON’S®.
Join Johnsons baby here
Huggies. Luvs and Pampers
Go here for Huggies,
here for Luvs and
here for Pampers will send you some valuable coupons and a few diaper samples.
Huggies pull ups
Coupons for those expensive pull ups. Great deals!!
Go here for pull-ups
Gerber and Good Start
So far I have received over $100 in coupons for baby after joining this club. Coupons for pacifiers, bottles, clothes, lots of formula coupons, baby cereal, and baby food. This is a great money saving club and takes two minutes to sign up.
Join Gerber here
Del Monte
here and get a few coupons towards their baby food products.
Heinz baby club
Great club!! I love the bag. Sign up with Heinz and receive lots of special offers for babys first year of life. This club starts when baby turns 4 months old.
Receive valuable coupons, information about jarred foods and cereals, feeding suggestions and guides, and tips on what to expect as your little one gets older. Also, you'll receive samples and additional special offers right to your mailbox.
FREE Eco-Friendly Reusable Shopping Bag
Once you sign up you will receive a free Heinz Nurture woven reusable shopping bag! The bag includes a Newborn information pamphlet, a growth chart, and a sample of Heinz Nurture infant formula.
Join Heinz here
Earths Best
For the best organic baby food go
HERE and receive coupons towards many of their baby food products.
I joined the Similac baby club and I have received about $300 in samples and coupons twords formula. So far, I have received 3 full sized cans of formula. Wow, that really helped me out. This is a great club to be a part of. Remember to sign up for all formula baby clubs. Your baby may be on a certain one now and could change later. It's nice to have a variety of coupons available for these expensive formulas.
Join Similac here
Great club!!! Again, this club sent me a huge can of formula and $30 in coupons right away. Now, I receive at least $10 worth of coupons per month!!
Join Enfamil here
Wal-Mart does not have to many freebies. I did however find their parents choice baby club. Join and receive a samples of their formula.
Join Parents Choice Here
Ringling Brothers
I really think this is cute. If you ever plan on going to the circus with your new baby. Ringling Brother also has a baby club. Join, and receive a FREE ticket for your baby.
Join Ringling Brothers HERE
If you are going to purchase maternity clothing, visit and enroll with Motherhood. I received many coupons and a very nice Playtex Air-vent baby bottle. The clothing is a little on the expensive side, but you deserve a few nice outfits for showing off your pretty little bump.
Having twins?
I found this information and thought I'd pass it on. Some of
the companies no longer participated, but they still sent me a letter with
coupons for their it's def. worth it!!!
Evenflo – Call 1-800-356-2229 for mailing address to send in copies of birth
certificates. I received Free Disposable Bottles, Liners and Nipples, a diaper
bag, sippy cups and toys.
Mail copies of birth certificates to:
Attn: Multiple Birth Program
1801 Commerca Dr.
Piqua, OH 45356
Gerber – Call 1-800-4GERBER – ask for special offer for twins; I received Free
Food Coupons (and you can call every three months to get coupons for the next
stage of baby food)
Huggies – Receive Gift of Coupons,(free pack of diapers coupons)
Send copies of Birth Certificates to:
US Requests
Kimberly-Clark Corp.
Dept. QMB
PO Box 2020
Neenah WI 54957-2020
Luvs – Parents of Multiples will receive a one-time gift of valuable coupons for
Luvs baby care products. Just send us your complete name and postal address,
along with photocopies of the babies' official government birth certificates,
Luvs Multiple Birth Offer
The Procter & Gamble Company
P.O. Box 599
Cincinnati, OH 45201
Playtex – 1-800-843-6430 – They run different offers for multiples periodically.
In 1996, they gave away FREE Diaper Genies!
Send copies of Birth Certificates to:
Playtex Products, Inc.
In Care of Diaper Genie
600 Mondial Parkway
Streetsboro, Oh 44241
Scott Paper Co. - Call 1-800-TEL-SCOT to receive free Baby Fresh Wipes for
The First Years offers a free gift (bibs and/or rattles) for your babies. Send
copies of Birth Certificates to:
The First Years
One Kiddie Drive
Avon MA, 02322